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DTC Meeting

Agenda – April 18, 2024 Meeting

 Town Hall and Virtual

Zoom Link Registration will be sent out after noon on the day of the meeting.

NOTE: Last month we shared that all DTC meetings will have an online, remote option. We hope this will encourage more participation. 

To further simplify access we will also eliminate the Google Form sign up. We will review our email list to verify they belong to registered Democrats. After that is complete, a Zoom link will be emailed directly for the April meeting. 

For meetings May and later, the Zoom link will be included in the Redding DTC meeting notices emailed to Redding Democrats. 

Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new procedure.


1) Treasurer's Report

a. 2024-2025 Budget - For discussion and possible vote.

2) Committee Assignments

3) Chair’s Report

a. CT VANS Contract Status

4) Other Business

a. Ceci Mayer Intern Opportunities

High School and College Students

Potential for Middle Schooler (flexible commitment)

Follow this link for details.

b. Zoom Meeting Updates - Cheryl Graziano

c. Barlow Award Updates - Jeff Figelman

d. Convention Updates

e. Century Club and other event news

f. Jim Himes Intern Opportunities - see below

5) Update from Town Boards & Commissions

a. Selectmen, Finance, Planning, Zoning, Ethics, Park and Recreation, etc.

6) Community Items - Non-DTC items to share

7) Adjournment

The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. 

May 16

DTC Meeting