DTC Meeting Agenda & Zoom Link
Thursday, May 16, 2024
7:30 p.m. at Town Hall and Virtual
Zoom Link: TBD
NOTE: For meetings May and later, the Zoom link will be included in the Redding DTC meeting notices emailed to Redding Democrats.
Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new procedure.
State Candidate Convention, May 11.
1) Associate Member Nomination - Charles Rodin
2) Committee Assignments
3) 4th Congressional District Meeting Brief - Roger Van Ausdal
4) Century Club - Tentative Date - Sunday, 9/29
5) Other Business
a. Caucus - Registrar of Voters - Tentatively 5/23 at 6pm
b. Convention Updates
c. Calendar of Events - 24 month view
Caucus and Meetings
d. Jim Himes Intern Opportunities
e. Ceci Mayer Intern Opportunities
High School and College Students
Potential for Middle Schooler (flexible commitment)
Follow this link for details.
f. Open Positions - Planning, Justice of the Peace and DTC
5) Update from Town Boards & Commissions
a. Selectmen, Finance, Planning, Zoning, Ethics, Park and Recreation, etc.
6) Community Items - Non-DTC items to share
7) Adjournment
The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 20th 2024 at 7:30 p.m.